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Balance as an ambitious woman is a lie and here's why!

We talk so much about the importance of finding the sweet spot between grafting HARD for the life of our dreams whilst still making our mental wellbeing a priority. But the question is, is balance as an ambitious woman even attainable?  

When you make the decision to make your future a priority, you subsequently come to accept that at some points you will have to make sacrifices in order to reach the stars. Sometimes you gotta’ pass on cocktails with the girls, say no to the afters, and work when you’d rather be enjoying the sun. But this doesn’t necessarily mean your hustle is unhealthy. Before you call me a hypocrite, lemme explain! 

It seems that as a community of go-getting ladies, we have collectively made the decision that a life of work and no play ain’t for bad bitches like us. We ain’t money making machines, being workaholics ain’t part of our aesthetic and we certainly ain’t staying up past 12 unless we’re living life. BUT we may have accidentally got ourselves caught up in a new Instagram #girlboss trend… a never-ending search for balance. 

Let’s just get it out in the open right this second. We hate to say it, but you are NEVER going to find that perfect middle ground, that is just a pipe dream baby. The ‘sweet spot’ between health and hustle is personal to each one of us and will change week on week, depending on work commitments, social plans or what our body and mind is craving. The key point here is to remember you ARE HUMAN! Your hustle won’t always be healthy, and you will sometimes fall off track. 

As a gal who is completely dedicated to her future and success, who has spent PLENTY of nights & weekends working, but is also guilty of getting a little wild on the weekend and ignoring her responsibilities - I wanna try and help.  

Here are some things I have learnt along the way, which allow me to prioritise my social life and health, whilst still hitting my goals...

First things first, you need to have as much discipline in your personal life as you do in your professional life. MAKE A COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF GYAL, the same way you commit to being successful. The dedication to yourself always needs to be more than your dedication to your business or employer - but this doesn’t always necessarily mean you say fuck you to your work every time a party comes up. Prioritise, prioritise, prioritise! 

I got out of the habit of making plans that I knew I couldn’t stick to. Letting my loved ones down always hurts way more than doing the same to my goals - so I only commit to things that I know I can follow through on.

Work harder, not smarter. Yeah it’s cliche, but learning productivity tips and hacks was the best thing I EVER did. Coming to terms with the fact I work much better in the mornings and making the most of that was a real turning point for me (but of course this is all subjective!). Personally, I would rather wake up at 6am to start my day and finish early, than experience a midday lag and be unproductive after lunch and find myself having to finish my work instead of heading out to watch the sunset! 

Deciding to romanticise the small and simple things life has to offer, makes even the busiest of days feel more balanced. I promise myself after-work walks to the beach, pizza in the park for lunch, cocktails on the rooftop on a Monday evening and time to lay there like a slob because I deserve it. 

Whilst I’m still working from home, I take my bath on my lunch break so I have more time in the evenings if I need to work late or want to make plans, I get my steps in whilst I’m on a meeting, I online shop whilst I eat my lunch instead of during the day (sometimes lol I’m not perfect!!!!), and crack open a cocktail can as soon as it turns 5 even if I’m still grafting. Treat your life like the chick flick it is. YOU ARE ELLE WOODS and don’t you forget it.


    • Prioritise self-care: take a look at this blog to see which kind of self-care will give you what ya need [READ SELF-CARE BLOG HERE]
    • Time management is everything, and a journal will be your saving grace. Lethally Her have all the products you need to make the most of those 24 hours.
    • Make sure you create a space that you enjoy being in, to make those evenings when you do have work late feel less shit. 

It is possible to have both health and wealth, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy, baby. The reality is sometimes you will have to pass on a sick night out, sometimes you do have to work weekends and sometimes you have to work until late in order to have the time to enjoy the weekend. The fact is true balance does not exist as an ambitious woman, but healthy hustle can.